Only in Colorado ...

A man was working out at Red Rocks over the weekend, as many people do, and that all sounds normal, right? Pretty standard for Colorado? However, this man's workout routine was anything but normal. An individual just so happened to see the man's "routine" and capture it on camera.

What is the routine, you may ask? He rolls down the stairs and does a pushup each time he landed. He was also seen jumping up on the planter boxes and doing leap-frog jumps down the steps.

Now, we're not sure what this man could possibly be training for, but according to CBS4, the camera person did ask the man, and he replied "in a cryptic Russian accent 'I will not tell you.'" Then, the man ran off. So ... yeah, we're just as confused as you are.

Watch the man's workout routine below, and share with us in the comments below what you think he's training for: