Fairfax County Fire and Rescue has revealed that the Groveton area fire in Alexandria was started by a cigarette.

The skies over Alexandria were filled with smoke from an epic structure fire on the 2800 block of Poag Street on February 8. Fairfax County Fire and Rescue rushed to extinguish it, calling in reinforcements from multiple stations. When all was said and done, the estimate for the damage comes in at over $48 million. 

Though many people were displaced from their homes and businesses in the wake of the event, most of the structures destroyed in the fire were still under construction. At its peak, the four-alarm fire drew crews from all over the area. 

The entire region was affected by the blaze, with traffic temporarily stopped on Route 1 as firefighters fought to extinguish it.

The fire was so big, its smoke could be seen from miles away. Twitter was filled with reports from all over Fairfax County.

Did you see the smoke from this epic fire? Where were you? Let us know in the comments!