Your next trip to a Virginia state park will be a bit different. Effective March 27, all park restrooms, pavilions, and visitor centers will be closed until April 30.

As the spring weather warms up, our thoughts naturally turn to family outings. While the parks remain open, a minimal staff will be be available on site at all Virginia state parks.

Any reservations for overnight cabins and special event spaces have been canceled until at least May 1, 2020, and gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited.

For the time being, all parking fees remain the same. Families may use the regular day-use features like the walking trails and picnic tables, but that's about it. A hike through the woods or along the Potomac is still a great way to get some fresh air while practicing social distancing.

As some of the parks close their museums, visitors can turn to virtual tours and videos on their websites.

Before you head out to a state park, be sure to pack the essentials: your own snacks, cleaning spray for picnic tables, and hand sanitizer since the restrooms will be closed. Be diligent about depositing your trash in the receptacles, and stop for a bathroom break before you reach the park. With a little pre-planning, your day trip can be a wonderful getaway.

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For more information about the ongoing changes at Virginia's state parks, head to their official central website. You can also follow along on their Twitter account for the latest updates.

*The photos in this article are courtesy of the Virginia State Parks' Facebook page.

What do you think about these sweeping changes to our state parks? Sound off in the comments!