If you've received an unsolicited packet of unmarked seeds from Asia, be careful not to plant them.

Have you spotted a strange seed package in your mail recently? Don't be so quick to toss them out; you may need to report them first.

This warning comes from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) as some of these unexpected deliveries are being reported across the state.

It is unclear if these seeds are being sent as a free gift with purchase, a promotional item, or if they are part of legitimate orders placed by Virginia residents. As a forgetful gardener myself, I can see how a delayed shipment of seeds could take me by surprise months later. The common denominators seem to be nondescript plastic packaging with Chinese text on the mailing label and customs documentation.

Whatever the case may be, VDACS wants recipients to err on the side of caution to prevent accidental plantings of invasive species. If you receive a packet of unsolicited seeds, you are urged to reach out to VDACS by sending an email to the Office of Plant Industry Services at [email protected].


mailing label

For more information, read the full press release about this agricultural warning here. You can also follow along on the VDACS Facebook page for updates.

**The photos in this article are courtesy of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services unless credited otherwise.

What do you think of this VDACS warning about unsolicited seeds coming from Asia? Do you know anyone who has received some in the mail? Let us know in the comments!