The House bill was passed with a 55:42 vote.

In a historic move, the Virginia House of Delegates has passed a bill to legalize recreational marijuana. It was passed with a 55:42 vote on Friday, February 5. Senate Bill 1406 passed on a 23-15 vote.

This bill will eliminate "criminal penalties for possession of marijuana for persons who are 21 years of age or older." It also makes modifications to other criminal penalties in relation to marijuana, among other regulations. 

A 21% tax rate on retail marijuana, retail marijuana products, marijuana paraphernalia, and other products are also included on the bill.

According to reports, SB 1406 and HB 2312 have a delayed effective date of January 1, 2024. The Authority's Board of Directors also has the ability to "make regulations for the implementation of the bill and for the implementation of the automatic expungement process to begin," writes a local news outlet.

Differences between the two bills must be worked out before they can be sent to Governor Ralph Northam. If the legislation is signed into law, Virginia would join 15 other states, and the District of Columbia, in legalizing recreational marijuana use in adults.

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