No mask, no entry.

Though they have been requiring face masks for weeks, Virginia ABC stores have drawn a line in the sand, effective July 20. If you're not wearing a face covering, you won't be setting foot inside.

The news was announced on social media by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority just last week.

In addition to posted reminders for social distancing, store employees will be checking every shopper to make sure they are complying with this new policy. If you don't have a mask with you, the store may be able to provide you with one—just ask!

If you don't feel like wearing a face mask, or are not comfortable shopping in person, there are alternatives. You can always order your alcohol online through the Virginia ABC website and pick it up curbside at your local store.

Across the state, retailers are weighing in on their measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Face masks, plexiglass dividers, and social distancing signs are all becoming common sights. In Virginia, the state mandate on face coverings will remain in place until it is lifted by an executive order from the governor's office.

Virginia ABC

*The photos in this article are courtesy of the Virginia ABC Facebook page.

For additional information about this new rule, check out the official website for the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority.

What do you think about this new development at Virginia ABC stores? Are you glad they're taking such a clear stand on the face mask mandate, or do you think there could be exceptions to this rule? Sound off in the comments!