Colorado Parks and Wildlife continues to warn people to not approach, feed, or touch wild animals.

After video footage captured a woman attempting to pet a wild moose in Breckenridge last Thursday, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) officials are finding themselves having to constantly remind people to stay away from the wildlife that may occasionally wander through Colorado's cities and towns.

In the 20-second video captured by Anna Stonehouse, a photographer from Aspen, you can see that the woman walks up behind the moose and tries to pet it, a move that then causes the moose to lash back by kicking out its front legs. Luckily, the woman wasn't injured during the encounter.

You can watch the video below:

"Everyone was screaming at her to get out of there," said Stonehouse.

This woman has been identified by CPW, though her name has not been released to the public. She has since been ticketed by wildlife officials for harassing wildlife. According to reports, this is the same moose that has been wandering the downtown area over the last few days.

"She smacked it on its butt and it blew my mind," Stonehouse added. "Like who does that?"

Apparently, this woman.

CPW reminds people that if you come across wildlife in populated areas, do not engage. Not only is this poses a threat to humans, but the animals as well, since they could be euthanized. Take photos and videos if you come across wildlife, but keep your distance and do not feed or touch them.

CPW officers and the Breckenridge police will be keeping an eye out for any moose that traverse across the downtown area, as well as maintaining crowd control to work around the animals.

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