... Maybe the cub just wanted to say "hi"?

A home in Pine Brook Hills in west Boulder recently had an encounter with a persistent visitor at the door: a young bear cub.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) shared the video of the cub on Twitter, saying, "People think young bear cubs are cute & fluffy, but even a young bear like this is dangerous. Especially when it is displaying aggressive behavior like you see in this video."

Check out the video of the bear cub charging at the home below:

On its website, CPW has a list of safety tips should you encounter a bear close to home or while you're camping and exploring the great Colorado outdoors.

In other bear-related news, a bear was caught on camera fighting a bison at Yellowstone National Park.

Have you had any close encounters with a bear or other wildlife? Any camping/hiking tips you'd like to share? Comment below. Stay safe out there, Colorado!