As COVID-19 numbers continue to rise in Virginia, the governor unveiled a new set of guidelines meant to mitigate the spread of the virus.

The information was rolled out in a press release on Friday, as well as in a video addressing all Virginia residents.

“COVID-19 is surging across the country, and while cases are not rising in Virginia as rapidly as in some other states, I do not intend to wait until they are," said Governor Ralph Northam. "We are acting now to prevent this health crisis from getting worse. Everyone is tired of this pandemic and restrictions on our lives. I’m tired, and I know you are tired too. But as we saw earlier this year, these mitigation measures work. I am confident that we can come together as one Commonwealth to get this virus under control and save lives.”

The main points of the new guidelines include:

  • Indoor and outdoor gatherings must be limited to 25 participants or less, down from the previous limit of 250. This applies to both public and private events.
  • Mandatory face coverings in public indoor settings are now required for children aged 5 and up, in addition to all adults who are physically able to wear them.
  • Expect to see enhanced enforcement of regulations in public areas like restaurants and businesses, overseen by the Department of Health.
  • Alcoholic beverages may not be served after 10 p.m. in "any restaurant, dining establishment, food court, brewery, microbrewery, distillery, winery, or tasting room." Those establishments must also now close by midnight.

You can watch the video of the governor's remarks here:

At a time when we are all looking forward to the holiday season, the governor calls a renewed energy directed at COVID-19 prevention. Businesses all over the Commonwealth are adjusting for the new regulations, so be sure to keep them in mind as you make plans this winter.

What are your thoughts on the new guidelines? Have they changed your upcoming holiday plans? Let us know in the comments!