You don't wake up to see that every day ...

Charles Zelenka, of Glenwood Springs, Colorado, woke up to a loud banging from outside his home. Having lived there for nearly 20 years, he had initially assumed it was a bear trying to get into the bear-proof dumpster. But what he came out to discover was so much more terrifying ...

Looking out his window, Zelenka could see an elk on his front porch.

"I could see it kicking its front legs. I was like, What the hell happened? I couldn’t figure it out," he said. "I was just about ready to turn and go out the door, and a mountain lion popped up from underneath this thing. So I grabbed my phone—I’m in my skivvies, I’ve just gotten out of bed—and start recording."

Zelenka posted several videos of the mountain lion eating the elk to Facebook, where the post has garnered more than 30,000 shares and 5,700 comments (at the time of this writing).

Check out just one of those videos below:

Zelenka then placed a call to local dispatch, who advised him to stay safe. The mountain lion soon retreated back to the woods, giving Zelenka the chance to take a quick photo of the elk:

mountain lion elk colorado
Courtesy of Charles Zelenka (Facebook)

It's important to be wary of wildlife in Colorado, especially mountain lions and bears. Have you ever had a terrifying encounter with a mountain lion? Comment below.

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