The Zoo's CEO Bob Chastain said the incident has brought "a multitude of mixed emotions."

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (CMZ) in Colorado Springs has just lost one of its own. Savelii, a 9-year-old tiger, died on Thursday after suffering from complications during recovery following an artificial insemination procedure.

CMZ CEO Bob Chastain said the incident has brought "a multitude of mixed emotions."

In a statement by Chastain, he writes:

"On Thursday afternoon, we lost Savelii. She passed due to complications during recovery from this important artificial insemination procedure. Due to the global importance of this procedure, seven veterinarians were on hand for the procedure, as well as reproductive biologists, and representatives from three AZA-accredited zoos and one university."

Chastain goes on to say, "When I arrived on the scene, I saw professionals from all over the Zoo doing the most difficult parts of their jobs. The scene was surreal. There were vets pushing life-saving drugs, vet technicians managing the supplies and drugs needed, keepers standing by shift doors, safety officers, a behavior manager and more. They were working with a singular goal, but sadly, without success."

You can read the full statement from Chastain on the CMZ website.

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