If you're full of ideas on how to fix the traffic issues on I-95, this is your chance to shine. The Virginia Department of Transportation is asking for input!

Does the Mixing Bowl make you crazy? Do you dread crossing the Occoquan River? Think of how YOU would make things better and help improve I-95. The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) is conducting a study on the best way to develop a plan for I-95 improvements in the entire state. They are currently looking for ideas from all Virginia residents in an organized call for submissions.


There are several ways to have your suggestions heard. You can (in order of effort expenditure) do the following:

  • Send an email to the study manager Ben Mannell, at [email protected] describing your ideas. You can also submit them online at va95corridor.org through an online comment form.
  • If pen and paper are more your style, you can also mail your ideas to the VA95 Corridor Plan at 1401 East Broad Street in Richmond, VA 23219.
  • If you've got the time, you can also attend a public meeting about residents' suggestions. They will be held around the state in the month of July:

Thursday, July 18, 2019, in Lorton | 6-8 p.m. | South County Middle School | 8700 Laurel Crest Drive in Lorton, VA

Tuesday, July 23, 2019, in Fredericksburg | 6-8 p.m. | James Monroe High School | 2300 Washington Avenue in Fredericksburg, VA

Thursday, July 25, 2019, in Petersburg | 5-7 p.m. | Virginia State University Multipurpose Center | 20809 2nd Avenue in Petersburg, VA


This first comment period will run from July 15 through August 21, 2019. Speak up and help make Virginia travel on I-95 better!

For more information, visit the CTB website and view the official project announcement.

**All of the photos in this article are courtesy of VDOT.

What do you think are the worst stretches of I-95 in Virginia? How would you fix some of them? Let us know in the comments!