Aspiring filmmakers and writers, the D.C. Shorts film festival and competition wants to hear from you!

Hailed as the premier festival for short films on the East Coast, D.C. Shorts is coming to the city in September. There are two categories for the competition: original films and original scripts. Here's your chance to get your work reviewed by your peers and an opportunity to win a prize for your efforts.

The deadline for film submissions is February 28, 2020. Each film should be 30 seconds to 40 minutes long, and must feature an original story and script. All genres will be considered, so don't feel boxed in!

Entry fees for short films are on a sliding scale: $60 for submissions received by February 28, $70 for late submissions received before March 31, and $85 for extended deadline submissions received by April 30. You can take a look at the DC Shorts film archive to get an idea of past entries.

short film, actors, ATV

Courtesy of D.C. Shorts

Original scripts up to 15 pages long can be submitted until March 31, 2020, or until 200 entries have been received. The entry fee is $45 for early bird submissions before January 31, $60 if the script is received by the deadline on March 31, and $70 for late submissions sent in by April 30. 


Courtesy of Pexels

The festival will be held September 10-19 in 30 separate showcases around the city. Keep an eye out for more information about this year's submissions and event festivities later this summer. Last year, they had screenings for 156 films from all over the world.

In addition to submitting your own work, you can participate by volunteering to review the films and scripts. Sign up online if you want to help with the competition in this way.

For more information, visit the festival website or follow along for updates on the D.C. Shorts Twitter account.

Have you attended the D.C. Shorts film festival? What have been some of your favorite entries? Let us know what titles we should be watching in the comments.