The free book warehouse hopes to reopen after it undergoes restructuring.

Fans of The Book Thing of Baltimore got a shock last week when the popular free bookstore announced it would be closing at the end of the year. The Book Thing is a charitable organization that aims to get unwanted books into the hands of people who read and cherish them. They collect CDs, DVDs, records, phones, photographs, tablets, and books. Visitors can take as many books home as they wish, and the books are stamped so they cannot be resold. The Book Thing has been a popular fixture for voracious readers in Baltimore and beyond.

On December 23, 2019, the organization posted a statement to its website that it would be temporarily closing to deal with issues related to its nonprofit status.

“The Book Thing we all love is going through a challenging transition. In order to restructure, refocus, and reconnect with our incredible community members (like you), we will be going into a “hibernation period” effective January 1, 2020. We will need your support during this period to ensure we can continue to offer free books in the future to readers of all ages.

The Book Thing does sell a small portion of the items it receives to help with operational expenses. The board of directors is now working with an accountant to fix issues so that The Book Thing can regain its nonprofit status. The Book Thing will not be taking donations during the closure, but leadership has promised to keep the public updated on social media and the website.

If you would like to volunteer or provide any financial support to help during this transition, please visit The Book Thing website and leave a message for the board of directors.