Multiple counties across the state have issued stay-at-home orders, effective on March 26 at 8 a.m.

On Wednesday, several cities and counties will be held to similar stay-at-home orders that were issued for Denver on Monday, all in the hopes of slowing down the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

The stay-at-home orders are being issued by three health departments—Boulder County Public Health, Jefferson County Public Health, and Tri-County Public Health Department. The orders will impact Arapahoe, Adams, Boulder, Douglas, and Jefferson Counties and take effect on March 26 at 8 a.m.

These orders will be in place through April 17, or until health officials deem that it's safe to lift the orders at an earlier date.

John M. Douglas, Jr., MD, executive director of Tri-County Health Department, said in a statement:

"There is widespread transmission of COVID-19 in the Metro Denver area, and we must take bold actions to stop the spread of this virus. With each passing day, we run a growing risk of greater transmission and illness and quickly overwhelming our hospitals, which are really a resource for our entire region and state. When this happens, not everyone may get the care they need. It’s a real possibility in Colorado — and a situation which has already occurred in countries such as Italy — and which is threatening to happen in major U.S. cities in other areas of our country. We understand the toll that measures to address the pandemic are having on our communities, and we want to reassure residents that this step is temporary, and a critical one to get us closer to recovery."

For more information on what is permitted and what is not with these orders, the departments have provided examples in this press release.

Are you impacted by these stay-at-home orders? Share your thoughts in the comments below.