The order goes into effect at 8 p.m. on Monday, March 30.

Governor Larry Hogan has issued a new stay-at-home order for the state of Maryland. The order requires all residents to stay home unless they are an essential worker or need to buy food or medicine or go to the doctor. The order also urges residents to avoid traveling outside the state. Anyone returning to Maryland will also need to self-quarantine for 14 days. The announcement follows the extension of social distancing guidelines through April 30 by the federal government.

The number of cases of COVID-19 has risen to 1,413 as of Monday, with 66 cases alone at a nursing home in Carroll County. In an interview on Fox News Sunday, Governor Hogan said he believes the Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. region could have as many cases as the New York area by Easter. This new stay at home order is designed to keep the disease from spreading. The governor is again reminding residents to only leave their homes if it’s absolutely necessary.

“This is a deadly public health crisis. We are no longer asking or suggesting that Marylanders stay home, but are directing them to do so,” Hogan said. “You shouldn't be out shopping and buying furniture or clothing. You should be buying necessary things you need to survive.”

stay at home COVID 19

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

People that ignore the order could be subject to punishment that includes up to one year in prison and/or a fine of up to $5,000. The Maryland National Guard and FEMA has set up a field hospital in the Baltimore Convention Center and a testing center at Fed Ex Field to help local healthcare facilities handle sick patients. Marylanders are reminded to stay home if they are sick and to call their health provider or hospital before visiting.