The horse was killed by a car earlier this month.

As one of the most popular tourist destinations on the east coast, Assateague Island sees many visitors taking in the beauty of wild ponies that call the island home. Unfortunately, with that comes risk to both the animals and visitors. And earlier this month, a horse was killed after a hit-and-run. Now, advocates are calling for more speed bumps because people aren't following the 25mph speed limit.

According to the petition, this is not the first time horses on the island have been hit by drivers.

"Following the pandemic and resurgence of people enjoying the outdoors, Assateague has had an increase in visitation," writes the petition. "While it is awesome to see people enjoying the great outdoors and especially this beautiful island, it has brought forth some issues. The greatest of which is speed on the island. The posted speed limit of 25 is rarely followed and if you do follow it, you are often tailgated and the recipient of honks, comments, etc. This Island belongs to the horses/ponies and other wildlife; we [are] just visitors."

"What I am proposing is the addition of speed bumps from turn onto Bayberry Drive at the Maryland Seashore to OSV route entrance at the end of Bayberry Drive.  This would require folks to slow down and potentially save the Island's inhabitants," the petition continued.

To support the park, and learn more about Assateague Island Alliance, click here.

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