The Newseum will be closing its doors for good on December 31, and visitors are lining up to say goodbye.

Well, folks, this is it. The Newseum has one last deadline, and it's coming up fast. Its current location will be shuttered permanently, and the exhibits preserved for future tours and installations.

You can get a 15 percent discount on tickets online as they wind things down.

Visitors are turning out in droves. Just check out the line!

Whether touring the museum one last time or shooting their own footage of the iconic building, people are coming to create that one last memory.

The Newseum exhibits span the spectrum of mediums from photography to digital displays and even pieces of the Berlin Wall.

If you can't make it out there before they close, head to the Newseum Facebook page and leave a final goodbye message on this post:

Were you able to see the Newseum one last time before they close? What are your favorite exhibits? Let us know in the comments!