The order was set to expire last Friday but has now been extended.

On Thursday, October 7, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that she has extended the public emergency order.

It was set to expire last Friday, but has been extended to January 7, 2022. 

"By extending the Public Emergency, the District can continue responding expeditiously and safely to COVID-19 and its ongoing impacts," wrote Mayor Bowser on Twitter.

So what does this mean for Washington, D.C.?

According to the order, D.C. will continue to receive federal reimbursement funds, federal relief and recovery grants related to COVID-19, as well as the continuation of programs that help with the city's response to the pandemic. The order also keeps the District’s Emergency Operations Center partially or fully active at “the discretion of the City Administrator.”

COVID-19 preventative measures will be maintained in The District, including retaining sites for isolation and quarantine and programs for medically vulnerable people.

Read the full public emergency order.

What do you think of the public emergency order being extended in D.C.? Share your thoughts in the comments below.