The county joins the District of Columbia in banning the use of disposable straws.

If you like to use straws or those little plastic stirrers with your coffee, there is a new ordinance you need to be aware of. Prince George’s County has passed legislation banning non-compostable straws and stirrers. The county council passed the ban on November 21 in its last legislative session of the year. The ban will not officially go into effect until July 1, 2020.

The straw bans will make it illegal for restaurants and stores to use or offer non-compostable straws and stirrers designed for single use. Though the ban officially begins on July 1 of next year, the county will not issue any fines until July 1, 2021, to give businesses a chance to phase in new options. The only exception is for people with disabilities. Establishments will be allowed to keep some on hand to distribute to those who need it. 

Several cities and counties nearby have already taken steps to ban disposable straws. Washington, D.C., officially began fining businesses that are out of compliance on July 1 of this year. Rockville and Garrett Park have successfully enacted bans, and Takoma Park and Charles County have bans that will take effect in the next couple of years. The legislature of the State of Maryland tried to pass a ban last year but was unsuccessful. 

Single-use plastics end up in landfills and oceans, polluting the environment and causing harm to birds and marine life. Corporate restaurant giants like Starbucks and McDonald’s have already committed to eliminating plastic straws from their stores in the near future. Straw lovers do have a few options. Many restaurants are already offering paper straws or you can bring your own reusable plastic or stainless steel straws.

Can you function without a plastic straw? Tell us in the comments!