New pilot program gives the power to the people.

It's not news that parking in D.C. is a bit of a nightmare. Between illegal parked cars in the bike lanes, blocking the crosswalk, or in front of fire hydrants, bad drivers are a little too common here. (D.C. is home to the worst drivers in the country after all!) But, what if we told you that you could do actually something about it?

As part of a new pilot program created by D.C. Councilmember Charles Allen, the people will have the power to issue parking tickets to illegally parked cars with a simple app on their phones. The program is part of the "Vision Zero" action plan introduced by Allen last week, which strives to strengthen road safety by banning right turns on red, creating protected bike lanes, and much more.

"It would start small. Just 10 people per ward," Allen told Fox5. "They would be trained and made sure they would be ready to go. When they see a vehicle that is blocking a bike lane, blocking the crosswalk, blocking a fire hydrant, they would have the ability using an app on their phone to be able to take a picture and actually have a ticket that will be issued."

Allen also said that a system like this is necessary because the hazardous parking poses a threat for bikers and scooter riders, especially given the recent pedestrian deaths across the District.

This program has been proposed and will potentially pass in the fall. 

What do you think? Is this an efficient way to put an end to the parking issue that plagues D.C.? Sound off in the comments section below.