Anyone with symptoms is encouraged to get tested.

On Friday, May 22, a free, drive-up COVID-19 testing site opened at the Pepsi Center parking lot.

The site is completely free and open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week, and while an appointment is not necessary, people are being asked to register online prior to arriving. Anyone under the age of 18 may be registered by their parents, according to the City of Denver's website.

"Forget about those early days where you saw several hour waits in line, you’ll be in and out 15-20 minutes at this testing site and others," said Gov. Jared Polis when the announcement was first made. "If you have symptoms, cough, a fever. We want you to be tested."

This new drive-up site can provide up to 500 nasal swab tests per day, said Mayor Michael Hancock. Then, results should be available in three days.

"Opening up the economy safely means testing," Hancock said. "Without a national strategy to help us get this done, states and cities have stepped into the breach to get this done."

If you're unable to make it to the Pepsi Center, whether that be due to transportation or you're so symptomatic that you can't leave your home, the Department of Public Safety encourages people to call 311 for further assistance and to help you get tested, through a health care provider or mobile site.

The Pepsi Center's drive-up testing site is now the largest in the state, with $3.5 million from the CARES Act going towards funding. There are 33 additional community testing sites throughout Colorado.

More information on the Pepsi Center's drive-up coronavirus testing site.

Have you been tested? Sound off in the comments below.