*Updated on January 26, 2024:

According to reports, an application to rezone a property in Park County, Colorado, has placed the local government under fire for giving "preferential treatment" to a local businessman.

(Before we dive in; yes, it's the same Park County that inspired South Park. Make of that what you will ... as this entire situation feels very much like an episode straight out of the animated TV series.)

This rezoning effort looks to change the zoning from residential to commercial use at the property located near the intersection of Highway 285 and Wandcrest Road, to allow for a waste transfer station. A large white tent-like building appears to already be set up at the site, despite not initially having a permit to do so.

park county zone tent
The white tent-like building in Park County.
Screen capture from drone footage by Trent Christensen

The project has received heavy backlash from neighbors and community members for "paving a path" for business owner Adam Shirley, who is behind the rezoning project. The property is owned by Shirley's company ASKAG, LLC.

"It's infuriating… It's absolutely infuriating," said Joe Weidner, a resident against the rezoning project and an elected board member of the nearby Will-O-Wisp Metropolitan District. "They don’t care. They are not intimidated by public outcry because the fix is in," he added.

Weidner and neighbors oppose the rezoning because they believe it will negatively impact their property values, as well as become a potential fire hazard.

In addition, because it appears the project was moved forward before getting official approval, many feel that Shirley is above the law, in a sense.

"He doesn’t think the rules apply to him. And obviously, they don’t," Weidner said. "And that’s the story. Why don’t the rules apply to him?"

A former Park County senior planner, John Deagan, is even dismayed at the "preferential treatment."

"The truth is that the applicant in this case received preferential treatment contrary to the public interest," said Deagan. "I am saying that this application was a guaranteed success ... Adam Shirley must have been given reason to believe he could operate with impunity."

Per reports from local news outlets, a recording of Shirley admitting to not having a permit was uncovered.

In the recording, Shirley can be heard saying, "I don't have a permit… And the commissioners know exactly what I'm doing. I'm not going against the county. The county knows exactly what I'm doing."

The Board of County Commissioners is set to vote on the rezoning on February 6, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.