As of today, Maryland residents are able to golf, boat, and fish.

Governor Larry Hogan says Maryland is one step closer to entering phase one of recovery. In a press conference on Wednesday in Annapolis, the governor said he was satisfied with results from social distancing and lower hospitalizations and said the stay-at-home order could be lifted in the next week or two. In the meantime, the governor has made the decision to allow residents to venture outside for golf, tennis, boating, and fishing. State parks and beaches will also be allowed to reopen to the public for exercise. Residents can start enjoying these activities beginning at 7 a.m. on Thursday, May 7.

In addition to recreational activities, the governor is allowing medical facilities to resume elective surgeries, testing, and other specialized treatments. He encouraged residents to go to the doctor and get diagnostic tests and surgeries they have put off because of the pandemic. It will be up to individual hospitals to decide what surgeries and procedures they want to resume.

Benchmarks for testing, personal protective gear, and contact tracing continue to be met, moving the state closer and closer to reopening. The first COVID-19 vaccine trial in the United States has just begun at the University of Maryland, and Gilead announced it will donate 1,600 doses of its drug Remdesivir to battle COVID-19. If the downward trend of the outbreak continues, Governor Hogan may be able to lift the stay-at-home order and begin stage one of recovery as soon as next week.

The first stage includes allowing more businesses to reopen with curbside services, outdoor religious services, outdoor fitness classes, car washes, and some personal services. The governor and superintendent of schools Karen Salmon also announced that schools will remain closed for the rest of the school year and distance learning will continue.