So far, 88 bears have been euthanized in 2019.

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) team have had their hands full this year ...

In fact, according to CPW officials, they receive multiple calls on a daily basis regarding bears. So far in 2019 (at the time of this writing), nearly 5,000 bear-related calls have been made. There have been several bear incidents in recent months—including one where a man who fought a bear in his kitchen and another when a bear broke into a home "Kool-Aid Man"-style.

And out of those 5,000 calls, 88 of them ended with bears being euthanized.

"Eighty-eight bears is less than 2 percent of our reports on bears," Jason Clay, a CPW spokesperson, told FOX31.

According to CPW policy, once a bear attacks human, it must be found and euthanized. That 2 percent definitely puts things into perspective, but that doesn't mean it gets any easier for the CPW officers.

"We're not just robots. We're not immune to anything, so it's a tough deal for our officers," Clay said. "They don't like it but we fall back on our mission and directives, and a lot of times it is erring on community safety."

As the bears get ready to hibernate, they're looking for food and showing that they are not afraid to enter homes and cars to find it. So, in order to better protect yourself, your loved ones, and community, here are some tips on bear-proofing your home as well as a survival guide should you encounter a bear head-on.

Have you had any bear encounters recently? Any safety tips you'd like to share? Sound off in the comments below.