They're coming ...

Prepare yourself, Colorado. The miller moths are coming ... And they're everywhere. Here's everything you need to know about this year's migrating swarm:

When will miller moths arrive in Colorado?

Migration season for miller moths in Colorado begins in the springtime. Usually, it begins in May and lasts until early June. Miller moths are a species of moth that migrate west toward Colorado from the Great Plains every spring through summer.

According to Whitney Cranshaw, retired Colorado State University entomologist, "The ones here will hunker down and stay put until it gets warmer at night when they can fly easier. It doesn't look like it's going to get warm enough for them to fly for a week or more, so people will be seeing them around."

How do I get rid of miller moths in my home?

  • Swatting or using a vacuum to suck up the insects
  • Trapping them by suspending a light bulb over a bucket partially filled with soapy water
  • Jingling keys, rattling coins, and crumpling aluminum cans can scare moths from hiding places for easier removal by swatting, vacuuming, and trapping

Have you seen the miller moths in Colorado? Let us know in the comments below.