Bars and restaurants must close at 10 p.m., but takeout and delivery will be allowed to continue after 10.

As coronavirus cases surge across Maryland, Governor Larry Hogan has announced new restrictions to restaurants, bars, retail stores, sports, facilities, and houses of worship. Starting on Friday, Nov. 20, all restaurants and bars must be closed between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Retail stores and religious facilities must all revert back to stage two, 50 percent capacity, and no fans will be allowed at racetrack and sporting facilities. The governor is also asking people to cancel elective procedures and take advantage of the more than 200 coronavirus testing facilities around the state.

With an average positivity rate of 6.85 percent and 19 Maryland hospitals near capacity, Hogan is also renewing restrictions on hospital and nursing home visitations. The state counted 2,149 cases overnight and 26 deaths, the highest daily number of deaths since June. The governor also touted the state’s testing resources and reminded Marylanders to get tested.

“If you are a college student planning on returning home, get a test. If you are planning on spending any time around your grandparents, get a test. If you are returning from any out-of-state travel, get a test. We have more than 220 sites available all across the state. You can find a site near you by visiting"

Maryland masks

Courtesy Maryland Department of Health

Visits to nursing homes are restricted to compassionate care only, and all employees and residents of Maryland’s nursing homes will be required to undergo mandatory bi-weekly testing. Hospitals will be canceling elective surgical procedures, and hospitals around the state have put together a program to identify beds for COVID patients. 

In addition to the restrictions on restaurants and bars, retail, amusement, and personal service businesses will also be restricted to 50 percent. That includes gyms, hair salons, retail stores, bowling alleys, and social clubs. A mask mandate remains in place and includes all indoor locations and outdoor areas where social distancing isn’t possible. The governor also said that a state of emergency remains in effect in Maryland and violators of public health emergency regulations can be charged with a misdemeanor that could result in a fine of up to $5,000 and one year in prison.