Don't be alarmed if you find a cheerful gift bag on your doorstep!

Find an unexpected bag on your doorstep? If there's a bottle sticking out of it, you've been visited by a Wine Fairy! Local news outlets are reporting an increase in wine-themed deliveries, and we're loving this new trend.

Unlike the Tooth Fairy, this visitor doesn't require an exchange for the bottle of vino. Homebound Marylanders are cheering up their friends and neighbors by ninja-dropping bottles of bubbly and fruity reds. Usually done anonymously, this fun idea is something we all hope sticks around after stay-at-home orders are a thing of the past.

Get started by making a few Wine Fairy deliveries of your own (wings and wand are optional). You can join a Facebook group like "Sisterhood of the Traveling Wine" in your region, or simply start your own chain of boozy goodwill with your own circle of friends or coworkers.

This is a great way to get rid of wines you may never get around to, or that oaky Chardonnay that reminds you too much of your ex. Simply attach a cute note to the chosen bottle, leave it on someone's doorstep, and run!

Here's a look at some cute #winefairy gift bag ideas:

Have you been playing Wine Fairy in your neighborhood? Tell us what you like to include in your gift bags!