Schools in Maryland will be closed for at least another month.

Kids in Maryland won’t be returning to the classroom any time soon. During a morning press conference at the State House with Governor Larry Hogan, Maryland State Superintendent of Schools Karen Salmon announced that school closures will be extended until Friday, April 24, 2020. Each county in Maryland is expected to announce a plan for the continuance of learning, but Salmon did mention the school year could be extended.

Hogan announced a two-week closure on March 19, 2020. Officials from school districts around the state have been working on contingency plans for distance learning in the event schools would have to be closed for an extended period of time. Initially, Salmon said students would return to school and then forfeit spring break to accommodate the closures; now students may also have to give up some of their summer break.

Online learning

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State and local officials will continue to monitor the situation to see if longer closures are necessary. 

“We do not make this decision lightly,” said Salmon, “However, with the challenges facing our state and our country, we have a responsibility to ensure the health and safety of our school communities and the community at large.”

Families will be hearing from their local school superintendents in the next couple of days and will be given plans for the next four weeks. The state is also helping parents of small children who are essential workers find childcare. If you need assistance with childcare, please call 1-877-261-0060. School districts will also continue to offer meals to children who need them through the next four weeks. All University of Maryland Colleges and Universities will continue with online learning through eh rest of the school year.