Make-A-Wish Colorado granted a six-year-old girl from Littleton her wish to be Bat Princess for a day.

On Thursday, Olivia Gant, a six-year-old from Littleton who is battling a neurological condition, had her dream come true and became a superhero for a day. Make-A-Wish Colorado helped transform Olivia the girl into Olivia the Bat Princess.

Olivia’s day started out as any superhero’s would, training camp at the Hyatt Regency Denver followed by a well-balanced meal at the Hard Rock Cafe. But, like any superhero’s day, there is never a shortage of crime. Olivia, along with her sidekick Bat Prince, traveled around Denver in search of crime.

Her weapon of choice to take down the bad guys? A bat-a-rang, which she used to rescue Charger, the mascot for Chatfield High School. Olivia’s adventure didn’t end there, though. She also saved a princess from the clutches of the villain Captain Claw, in addition to rescuing a mermaid from an evil octopus at DaVita World Headquarters!

Denver is now safe knowing that Bat Princess and her fearless sidekick Bat Prince are there to save the day!

For more heartwarming stories, like Olivia’s, visit the Make-A-Wish Colorado website here.