To educate in-person or online: That is the question.

Fairfax County residents have a small extension to determine if their children will be attending school in person this fall. Wednesday, July 15, is the new deadline for completing the online enrollment form. After months of home-schooling and virtual instruction, families are faced with two choices: continuing online classes or attending a hybrid model of school with part of the week spent in classrooms on campus.

The decision is undoubtedly a difficult one, with an ongoing national debate about whether school leaders will be able to maintain proper social distancing guidelines and cleanliness regimens. Another concern is that children at school will be unable to consistently wear face coverings when required. The state of Virginia has a mandatory mask mandate for times when social distancing is not possible.

school buses

Parents must log in to the Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) website and complete a form to indicate their preference no later than July 15, 2020. If no form is completed, students will be enrolled for in-person classes for the fall semester.

Both options at all grade levels include four days of instruction, with the fifth day of the week reserved for teacher workdays. If the hybrid schedule is chosen, students can expect at least two days of in-person classes on campus, with school bus options available and proper social distancing plans in place. With both options, a comprehensive plan to provide reduced and free school meals will be put in place for eligible students.


*The photos in this article are courtesy of the Fairfax County Public Schools.

For more information about fall enrollment or the details about the hybrid school model, visit the FCPS website. The online form is available in multiple languages and information can be viewed in video format as well.

What are your thoughts on the two options for Fairfax County public school students? What are some of your concerns? Let us know in the comments.