Arlington residents can claim a free native tree to help beautify their yard. Sign up now to make sure you get one!

While most people just bemoan the concrete jungles of urban sprawl, the Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation is doing something about it. This year, they'll be giving away 400 native trees to Arlington residents to plant in their yards.

How It Works

  • Go to the Parks and Recreation website about the native tree program.
  • Review the list of available trees and assess your yard's sunlight situation for the optimal planting spot. Make sure you research each tree's needs and how tall they will get in the long run.
  • Register online and claim a tree. There is a limit of one tree per household for Arlington County residents.
  • Pick up your tree on either October 26 or 29. County experts will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.
  • Plant your tree, and watch it grow!

trees, sky

The pick-up sites for this year's native tree giveaway are Barcroft Baseball Field Parking Lot (4208 South Four Mile Run Drive in Arlington) on Saturday, October 26, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Reed-Westover Baseball Field Parking Lot (5829 18th Street N in Arlington) on Tuesday, October 29, from 4 to 6 p.m. 

Keep in mind, the trees will be approximately 2 to 4 feet tall, in 2-gallon pots when you pick them up. They may look small, but most will grow rather quickly! The trees will be available while supplies last, so don't wait too long to choose one.

For more information about this native tree program, visit the Arlington County Parks and Recreation website for the event. You can also give them a call at (703) 228-6521 with any questions.

**All of the photos in this article are courtesy of Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation's official Facebook page.

Have you received one of these free native trees in the past? How is your tree doing now? Let us know in the comments!