Martha's Table is an incredible local charity that supplied over 1.9 million meals in 2017.

Every single night of the year, Martha's Table sends out McKenna's Wagon, a delivery van that provides homeless D.C. residents with a hot meal, sandwiches, and trail mix. During the holiday season (and all year long), local residents can sign up to help Martha's Table in their mission! There are a myriad of ways to help, from making sandwiches or trail mix, to cooking, or making donations.


If you're a sandwich-making whiz, you can donate as many sandwiches as you'd like! They prefer plain meat and cheese, or peanut butter and jelly. Just leave off the condiments and package each sandwich in its own plastic bag. Homemade trail mix should also be packaged in snack or sandwich bag sizes. All prepared food can be dropped off at the D.C. office of Martha's Table at 2114 14th Street, NW. Click here for more information on the food donation program. If you are donating more than 100 sandwiches or bags of trail mix, they may even be able to schedule a pickup.

Courtesy of Instructables

One-Pot Hot Meal

Have a great chili or noodle dish? McKenna's Wagon can use your one-pot hot meals for nightly distribution. Be prepared to provide 200 portions of the dish, and email or call them in advance to make sure they know you're coming!

Courtesy of Taste of Home

In addition to making food or grocery donations directly to Martha's Kitchen, you can always make financial contributions to the cause online. Click here for instructions on how to donate. It feels great to help out for the holidays, and Martha's Table offers several different ways to assist people in the community directly. I can tell you from firsthand experience that a sandwich-making party is a GREAT activity for the holidays!

Have you ever helped out at Martha's Table? Any tips for first-timers? Let us know in the comments below.

Looking for more volunteer opportunities? Wreaths Across America needs volunteers to lay wreaths at Arlington Cemetery. Find out more here!