Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has just announced that Monday, March 16, will be a staff development day to formulate potential coronavirus-related distance learning plans.

In a public announcement online, FCPS announced that students will be off from school on Monday, March 16, but that extracurricular activities, contests, and team practices will still proceed as scheduled that day. Adult learning classes and SACC (after-school care centers) will be on a regular schedule as well. To date, no other school closures in the county have been announced as part of the coronavirus response planning.

A day at home doesn't have to be wasted in front of a screen. This break from classes would be a great time to have a talk with your kids about COVID-19 and take a look at your own pantry supplies.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends having a two-week supply of food, water, and prescription medications in case you need to self-quarantine. Stores around our area are seeing a run on toilet paper, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, and pantry staples like rice and beans. Taking stock of what you have and supplementing it would be a good way to broach the subject of preparedness at home.

For more information about school closures or how the county is preparing its school system, visit the FCPS website. You can also check their official Twitter account and stay up to date on all of the announcements.

What are your thoughts on the upcoming staff development day and the possibility of distance learning throughout Fairfax County? Do you think it's an appropriate option or a bit of a reach? Sound off in the comments!