Consider yourself warned.

Getting stuck behind a school bus is no picnic, I get it. Just think, however, of the worst-case scenario next time you try to pass one with its stop sign out. As an added incentive to adhere to the law, Montgomery County has installed security cameras to EVERY school bus in its fleet. If you get caught on camera passing a stopped school bus with its indicators on, you will receive a $250 ticket in the mail. It's even more if a police officer catches you doing it—the fine goes up to $570, and you also get three points on your license.

Not too sure about what the rules are about passing a stopped school bus with its indicators on? Let's refresh your memory. Once a bus puts out its stop sign and red lights flash, everyone behind the bus must stop. If you're coming from the opposite direction and there is no physical barrier between you and the bus, you must also stop. If, however, you are coming from the opposite direction and there is a physical barrier like a concrete or grass median, you do not have to stop. 


Don't forget, even though it's summertime, some schools have a summer session, and a stopped school bus is a stopped school bus, whether you think class is in session or not. Now is the perfect time to start practicing leaving home a little earlier, before school starts up again!

For more information about the new cameras and school bus safety, visit the Montgomery County School Bus Safety website.

What do you think about these new school bus cameras and the fines that come with them? What are some of the worst areas for people zipping around stopped buses? Sound off in the comments!