The convoy has officially left Washington, D.C., after three weeks.

*This is a developing story and will be updated accordingly.
Updated on March 28 at 3:03 p.m. (MT)

Three weeks after arriving in the Washington, D.C., area, the trucker convoy appears to be heading to California, to conduct protests there.

The convoy of truckers landed in D.C. several weeks ago after driving cross-country. Local area residents were hit with heavy traffic and closed roadways.

According to a spokesperson for D.C. Police, I-395, I-695, and I-295 were impacted by "several" closures.

"We do not have a list as these rolling road closures are occurring in real-time as they are needed, and will be lifted as soon as they are no longer necessary," said the spokesperson.

*Original article:

Following President Biden's State of the Union address on March 8, the trucker convoys continue their journey to D.C. Similar to the trucker protests in Ottawa, Canada, several groups are protesting the pandemic restrictions and fuel prices, among other things.

However, as of Sunday, March 6, one of the groups has pulled out of the trek—Freedom Convoy USA 2022—due to a lack of participants.

The group announced their removal from the cross-country mission to D.C. on Sunday morning via Facebook: "The launch in California had a good turn out of supporters, but only 5 trucks were with us on arrival in Vegas. There are 2 other convoys that have massive turnouts, and are in progress to the DC area as we speak. They are The People’s Convoy (which was the first convoy to launch out of Cali) which is in New Mexico now and the Texas Convoy which departs soon."

A few vehicles involved in The People's Convoy were reported to have been in a crash as they were making their way through Oklahoma.

According to local reports, two semis and two pickup trucks from the convoy were involved in a crash on the Will Rogers Turnpike. State troopers said some people were injured and the cause of the crash is currently under investigation.

D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee said, "There will be disruptions to traffic, that kind of thing. I think we need to be very candid with the public about some of the expectations based upon what we've seen in Ottawa."

About 700 unarmed National Guard troops are set to be deployed around the D.C. area to assist with traffic control and help local authorities solve any problems, said the National Guard.

"Our [Metropolitan Police Department] and [U.S. Capitol Police] partners have asked for our help in ensuring people can demonstrate peacefully and safely, and we stand ready to assist,” D.C. National Guard commanding general Maj. Gen. Sherrie L. McCandless said in a press release.

In addition, state police in both Virginia and Maryland have heard of these plans and are taking precautions.

"The Virginia State Police has been and continues to monitor the situation and to communicate with our National Capital Region local, state and federal partners," said Virginia State Police." This is standard practice any time the potential exists for a significant protest that could disrupt the safe and efficient flow of traffic on Virginia highways."

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