The county commissioner says "the decision is final," but it's not ... yet.

You know how the Pepsi Center is now called Ball Arena, but we all still call it the Pepsi Center anyways? Or how Empower Field at Mile High is simply Mile High? Yeah, we have a feeling the same is gonna be said for Mount Evans.

It's been recently announced that Mount Evans will no longer be called Mount Evans. A new name was decided upon by Clear Creek County officials in a meeting on Tuesday. What's its new name, you may ask? Mount Blue Sky.

The name was submitted by the Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes.

"The decision is final," said Clear Creek County Commissioner Randy Wheelock. "I know we’re issuing communication to the state and the federal government [Tuesday] that we’ve officially endorsed ‘Mount Blue Sky.’ It’s done. So the resolution is simply working out the words that support and give the reasons for why we did it, but the decision is final."

"It’s one of the things that really unifies us with our unique geography is that we all get a good view of that mountain around Clear Creek County," added George Marlin, a Clear Creek County Commissioner. "So I don’t think that this community and I don’t think that that mountain deserves this negative connotation associated with this name."

Despite the commissioner saying the name change is "final," it must first "make its way through the formal review process before being submitted to the Governor for consideration," said a spokesperson for Governor Polis.

In addition, the Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board and the U.S. Board on Geographic Names will both review the name choice.

According to local reports, the advisory board will go through a three-meeting process to move forward with the recommended name, followed by Polis deciding whether to act on that recommendation and send a letter to the federal board. The federal board will then make the final decision, based on all comments and after having reached out to all indigenous tribes in the country for their opinion.

What are your thoughts? Do you like Mount Blue Sky? Or will it always be Mount Evans to you? Comment down below.