We may be inching closer and closer to the fall season, but when you live in Colorado, you know that snow is also on the horizon. This winter season is supposed to be rather cold with average snowfall, according to the Farmers' Alamanc.

If you're still holding out for the last remaining weeks of summer, you've got a little time until the first snowfall is expected to fall in Colorado's major cities, but not much.

So, when can we expect to see the first snow in Colorado for the 2023–2024 winter season?

According to the National Weather Service, it's been estimated that we could see snow around mid-October, the average date range for the first measurable snow in the state. However, it could be earlier than that. In years past, the mountains saw snowfall as early as the first week of September.

As we learn more, we'll update this story! In the meantime, enjoy the warm weather while you can! 'Cause soon, you'll be trading flip-flops for winter boots and shoveling that driveway!


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