Alisha Coombe, Founder of Colorado Children First, won for her book, "Family Law Boot Camp."

Colorado attorney Alisha Coombe has been recognized by the Independent Press Award (IPA). Coombe, the founder of Colorado Children First, won in the category of Divorce for her book titled Family Law Boot Camp.

Family Law Boot Camp "walks parties in Colorado family cases through how to represent themselves in all aspects of their case including trial," reads the book synopsis.

According to the press release, winners and distinguished favorites are selected "based on overall excellence." The IPA is judged by experts in various fields of the book industry, from publishers and editors to writers and book cover designers.

This year's IPA had book entries from across the world, with authors coming from countries like Canada, Germany, Australia, the United States, Ireland, and more.

"We are proud to announce the winners and distinguished favorites in our annual 2022 INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD," said Gabrielle Olczak, awards sponsor. "This year included an array of quality and diverse independent books. It's crystal clear that independent publishing is pushing on every corner of the earth with great content. We are thrilled to be highlighting key titles representing global independent publishing."

View the full list of 2022 Independent Press Award winners.
View the full list of 2022 Independent Press Award distinguished favorites.

Congratulations, Alisha Coombe, for this incredible achievement!

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