This is the second statue in Denver that has been damaged.

The Christopher Columbus statue in Civic Center Park was taken down last night around 11:15 p.m., according to a spokesperson for the Denver Police Department (DPD).

A video was posted on Twitter on Friday showing a group of nearly a dozen people pulling the Christopher Columbus statue down with ropes:

It was then found on its side on the ground Friday morning.

According to CBSDenver, a letter had been sent to Denver leaders by the American Indian Movement of Colorado, which had called for the removal of the Christopher Columbus statue and the Pioneer Fountain monument at the corner of Colfax and Broadway streets. In a statement, the group said:

“The historical moment has arrived for Denver to find the moral courage to begin the process of removal of these vicious and divisive monuments to invasion and colonialism. The removal of these statues will only begin the discussion of the remediation of the history of anti-blackness and anti-indigeneity in Denver, which is epitomized by the ongoing tribute to the African slave-trading, Indian-murdering Christopher Columbus."

This isn't the only statue in the Denver area that's been damaged in the last few days. At 1:30 a.m. on Thursday morning, the Civil War monument near the Capitol building was toppled over, says Colorado State Patrol.

Gov. Jared Polis said in a statement, “I am outraged at the damage to a statue that commemorates the union heroes of the civil war who fought and lost their lives to end slavery. This statue will be repaired, and we will use every tool at our disposal to work with Denver Police and to hold accountable those responsible for the damage whether they are hooligans, white supremacists, confederate sympathizers, or drunk teenagers."

*This is an ongoing story and will be updated with new information.