The adorable hippo calf was born on Tuesday.

The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has welcomed a new member to the family—a new baby hippo, the zoo's first in 32 years! Zambezi, a 28-year-old Nile hippopotamus, welcome her first calf on Tuesday. Both are healthy and bonding well, says the zoo.

Zambezi and her calf can be seen at Water's Edge: Africa. And if mama and calf show signs they need more "quiet time," the zoo will temporarily close the area.

In 1993, Zambezi came to Colorado Springs from the Denver Zoo. Then, in June 2020, Biko, a long-legged male Nile hippo, joined the herd on a breeding recommendation with Zambezi and her sister, Kasai. However, Biko and Zambezi seemed to be a great match and staff saw their first successful breeding in November. The baby was born eight months later.

The birth of this baby hippo calf marks the fourth member of the hippo herd at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

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