The mandate will go into effect Friday at 5 p.m.

A mask mandate will soon be in effect for Boulder County.

Starting on Friday at 5 p.m., the mandate will apply to all people aged 2 and older, regardless of vaccination status. Exemptions will be allowed for people under age 2 and for "those who cannot medically tolerate a face covering."

The order was voted on by the Boulder County Board of Health on Thursday "to support the safety of all the community members, including children who are not eligible for vaccination."

The county also recommends increased ventilation in indoor spaces and moving activities outdoors.

This will also grant businesses and facilities that implement a mandatory vaccination policy to allow mask removal within the facility.

Boulder County is currently experiencing high transmission, according to reports.

"Once transmission decreases to moderate or low levels for 21 consecutive days, masks will no longer be required in public indoor spaces," said the county. "However, individuals may still choose to wear them, and businesses may still implement policies requiring them."

Please note: the mask order does not apply to private homes and also includes exceptions, which apply only to temporary activities like religious ceremonies, being seated at a food service establishment, and participating in certain indoor sports.

You can learn more on the Boulder County website.

*If you have questions about the order, contact the Boulder County Call Center at 720-776-0822 or view the COVID-19 information on BCPH’s website.*