The D.C. landscape has some new features: temporary fencing and high barriers surrounding the White House and Lafayette Park.

If you're in the neighborhood of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, you'll notice a major change in access around the White House. Overnight, a planned placement of security fencing and tall white barriers happened around the area known as President's Park and the Ellipse. 

According to the National Park Service, the new safety measures were put in place at the request of the Secret Service and will remain up until approximately 6 a.m. on Sunday, November 8:

"regarding the unique security requirements with the upcoming Presidential election, and the need to quickly deescalate potentially violent encounters, protect park resources, and maintain public safety near the White House Complex the National Park Service (NPS) will temporarily restrict access to certain park land under its jurisdiction in the vicinity of the White House. This restriction, absent a law enforcement need to close the White complex, will not limit the public’s ability to demonstrate in the park."

The Election Day barriers were placed in concert with closures around Lafayette Park, portions of which will remain in place for inauguration-related construction, shown here:

Lafayette Park

Courtesy of The National Park Service

Locals have taken to social media to post their pictures of the new structures.



For more information about the fencing and the anti-scale barriers that were put up, see the full press release by the National Park Service.

What are your thoughts on the new security structures around the White House complex? Let us know in the comments!