Half a million diapers will be distributed to local residents in the city.

Needy Baltimore families will benefit from a state-funded diaper donation program over the next two months. Half a million diapers will be distributed in partnership between the Baltimore Health Department and the ShareBaby organization to local residents in the city.

The Baltimore mayor's office released a statement about this generous program:

The diapers were purchased with state funds and will be distributed through the existing ShareBaby network of community partners all around the city. If you are in need of diapers, you can check the list of local partners and reach out for additional information. The Annie E. Casey Foundation, The Baltimore Community Foundation, and The Abell Foundation are active partners in this citywide effort as well.

“It is the mission of ShareBaby to deliver items to the children that need them most and to also build a network of love that is committed and mobilized to support at-risk families across Baltimore. The quick action of the Baltimore City Health Department and incredible outpouring of generosity we have experienced in response to this crisis has let us know this vision is possible and capable of amazing things.” Amina Weiskerger, Executive Director of ShareBaby

This diaper donation program comes at a time when many are out of work, and getting out to even buy supplies is difficult at best. Affordable diapers have become one of the hard-to-find items as people are buying larger quantities in an effort to shop less frequently.

ShareBaby, diapers

If you'd like to make an online donation to ShareBaby, visit the organization's website. You can contribute money, order something from their Amazon wishlist, or pledge an ongoing monthly payment to become one of their Share15 donors.

*The photos in this article are courtesy of ShareBaby.

Have you heard of other local resources for needy residents during these tumultuous times? Tell us about them in the comments!