Computers, keys, and possibly paperwork and kitchen supplies were all taken.

Around 1:45 a.m. on Saturday, a thief broke into Aurora's Village Exchange Center and stole several key items, including forms and documents with personal information. The Aurora Police Department is currently investigating the reported break-in.

According to the Center's executive director, Amanda Blaurock, the thief did not go for the expensive lighting and sound equipment, instead, he went for laptop computers, keys, and important documents.

"... he was interested in getting information on who we're serving here," Blaurock told Denver7.

She also said that she does not know why the files were stolen.

When an employee arrived at the Center the next morning, the door had been jimmied open, the drawers and their items were "completely upside down," and papers were strewn about.

Security footage captured the thief, who entered through the front door—which had been unlocked following a late-night religious service—before breaking open the office door with a hammer. In the video, the hooded thief can be seen picking up a backpack full of items, waiting for traffic to drive past, and finally, walking out.

Another man had allegedly entered the Center throughout that same night, only to be found asleep in the basement.

Matthew Longshore, a spokesperson for the Aurora Police, said the "case remains open and the detective will be following up and reviewing surveillance footage to see if the sleeping male actually was involved or not."

It was originally thought that this other man had been involved, but found that this was not the case.

"I'm just nervous about security issues," Blaurock informed The Sentinel.

According to Blaurock, the Village Exchange Center had received a grant to help install security lighting and cameras. They're also applying for more grants to "beef-up security."

"We hope to receive enough support now," she added, "so we can make sure that we keep our community safe."

The Village Exchange Center is a nonprofit center dedicated to giving a safe and supportive environment for refugees and immigrants from all over the world. They not only provide an inclusive, multi-faith community, but also additional informational services, English classes, after-school programs, and so much more.

If you have any information about the break-in, please contact the Aurora Police Department at (303) 627-3100.