File this one under "obvious but important to know."

According to a recent Gallup poll, the number of Americans working from home is on the rise due to circumstances surrounding the emergence of COVID-19. Zoom is a verb we're all using lately, and our home offices are suddenly more important than ever.

Overall, the national percentage of people who were allowed to telework has increased from 42 percent to 49 percent. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Considering the fact that our office building is virtually empty, we would have thought the percentage is higher.) That said, the average number of days worked remotely per month has more than doubled, from 5.8 to 11.9 work days per month.

work from home, home office

Courtesy of Burst

While many jobs are simply impossible to complete remotely, managers all over the country are forced to embrace the flexibility of a virtual workforce. One in five American workers reports having a mixed schedule that combines working from home and doing their job in person, while 26 percent report working exclusively from home.

Statistics like this are particularly important for small businesses, big corporations, job seekers who are entering the workforce, and even people looking for something different. An employer's plan for remote work is now first and foremost in applicants' minds.

This information was gathered in the annual Gallup Work and Education Poll which was conducted earlier this summer with over 1000 participants. For more information, visit the official Gallup website and take a look at their full summary of findings. You can also download the full poll and see the aggregate data collected.

Have you been able to work from home due to COVID-19 restrictions? Do you think your current arrangements will continue for the near future, or are people heading back in to the office? Let us know in the comments!