Be kind to your wallet this year.

I don't know about you, but I am always looking for a way to save money! Lately, funds have been pretty tight and it can be tough when I've got bills, a mortgage, and a car to pay off. With all of these adult responsibilities, I don't have much wiggle room in my wallet for more fun or even more practical things, like healthy foods or even a car wash. BUT, that all is about to change ...

After doing lots of research, I've compiled this list of five subscription services you should absolutely try—I know I will! Let's dive in and learn how to save some money!

HelloFresh Weekly Subscription

Don't have time or money to go out to eat or even grocery shopping? Let HelloFresh give you a helping hand (in the kitchen)! This weekly meal-kit subscription is a great way to not only eat healthily, but also save some money at the same time. With delicious recipes and pre-measured ingredients, HelloFresh allows you to customize your meal plan on a weekly basis.

Learn more about HelloFresh's meal kit plans.

Waterworks Car Wash Monthly Subscription

Nobody likes a dirty car. Nobody. And yet, most of us don't like shuffling out a ton of cash to get our vehicles washed, so we tend to push it off until spring/summer. But what if we told you there was a way to keep your car looking sharp while simultaneously saving you money? With Waterworks Car Wash's affordable monthly passes, your car will soon be the envy of your neighborhood. Plus, we all know, a great car wash can help increase the lifespan of your car—and that will save you a ton in the long term.

Learn more about Waterworks Car Wash's monthly car-cleaning passes.

Harry's Monthly Subscription

With a variety of subscription services for shaving, skin-care, hair-care, and so much more, Harry's is your one-stop-shop for all things grooming! As with other subscription services on our list, you are in control. Only need shaving products once every two months? Go for it. Only need skin-care products every three months? You do you, boo.

Learn more about Harry's grooming subscriptions.

BarkBox Monthly Subscription

Does your pup go through toys like crazy? How about treats? Then you've got to give BarkBox's monthly subscription box a try! Your pup can enjoy monthly themed boxes filled with four to six toys and healthy treats, which are curated based on your dog's size. With this subscription box, your dog is gonna be spoiled and your wallet is gonna be happy.

Learn about BarkBox's monthly subscription boxes.

MeUndies Monthly Subscription

You no longer have to go to the store to get a fresh pair of undies; instead, a new pair will be mailed directly to your house every month, at a very reasonable price! With MeUndies' monthly membership, your underwear collection can expand with vibrant colors, designs, and styles. Don't let your tush miss out!

Learn more about MeUndie's memberships.

Are there other money-saving subscription services we missed on our list? Leave us a comment below. Happy saving!