One of the most memorable Christmas ads this year features a haunting melody, a simple message, and one hard-working toddler.

Haford Hardware, a small, local store in the little town of Rhayader, Wales, was established in 1895 and is one of the oldest shops in operation. With a single two-minute video, they've got the whole world talking about them.

Haford Hardware

The current owner, Thomas Jones, came up with this beautiful commercial with his artistic friend, Josh Holdaway, behind the camera. All in all, they spent less than $150 on this Christmas ad that features Tom's industrious 2-year-old son, Arthur Lewis Jones.

Check it out for yourself:

The folk singer performing Alphaville's ballad "Forever Young" is Andrea von Kampen, from Lincoln, Nebraska. She's gaining quite a bit of publicity from this video as well, and you can purchase her version of the song online now.

Christmas ads are a big business in the UK and Europe, with powerhouses like Aldi and John Lewis spending millions on theirs. This year, it's heartwarming to see that a little shop is giving them a run for their money.

I don't know about you, but this makes me want to buy more of my gifts at my local hardware store this year! For more information about Haford Hardware, check out their Facebook page or official website. Next time you're in Wales, stop by and support them!

**All of the photos in this article are by Thomas Jones and courtesy of the Haford Hardware website.

What do you think of this Christmas commercial? Does it make you want to shop small in your neck of the woods? Let us know in the comments!