Your pizza topping choices reveal a lot more than you may think ...

We're all pretty picky when it comes to our pizza toppings, right? Some of us like things simple and just do pepperoni, while others will go all out and do "the works." There are also the monsters who like pineapple on their pizzas. (Kidding!)

You can tell a lot about a person's personality by the types of toppings they put on their pizzas. So, what does your favorite pizza topping say about you? Let's find out:


  • Traditional / Reliable

Who says you've gotta go crazy on your pizza in order to enjoy it? There's absolutely nothing wrong with just cheese and sauce!

While this may seem "plain" or "boring" to others, this shows you stand your ground and don't conform to trends or fads. Your choice makes you reliable, dependable, and a trusted individual.


  • Fun / Confident

When it comes to pizza, you like to keep things fun yet simple—all you need to have a good time is sauce, cheese, and pepperoni!

This pizza topping tells us you're laid back, confident in your choices, and you don't overthink things. You're a crowd pleaser and nothing pleases the masses like pepperoni pizza.


  • Quirky / Adventurous

You don't care what people think of you, and that extends to your pizza topping choices! (This is especially true when it comes to pineapple on pizza, which is always a sore spot with people.)

With an equal amount of quirkiness and confidence, you boldly go where no one else will. You're a go-getter! (So go get that pineapple pizza!)


  • Sensitive / Health Conscious

You wear your heart on your sleeve and you're more open to your emotions—and there's nothing wrong with that!

This sensitiveness bleeds into your pizza topping choices, where you tend to go for the more healthy route and top your pizza with veggies. You care about yourself and those around you.

"The Works"

  • Indecisive / Creative

While you may tend to be pretty indecisive at times, it's only because your creativity takes control and makes it harder to settle on a singular decision. 

Which is why "the works" is the perfect pizza topping for you! Not only are you granted all the toppings (without having to stress about missing out on a topping), but your creative side loves the weird combination of it all.

What's YOUR favorite pizza topping? How'd we do in our assessment of your personality traits + toppings? Comment below.