Kansas is known for its beautiful sunsets, sprawling wheat fields, and, of course, being Dorothy's home in The Wizard of Oz. But this state has more to offer than meets the eye! Often overlooked, Kansas hides an array of unusual and fascinating facts that are just waiting to be discovered. In this article, we'll explore 12 weird and wonderful facts about Kansas. Are you ready to uncover more about the Sunflower State? Let's get started!

  • The highest point in Kansas is not a mountain, but a hill, called Mount Sunflower. This hill stands at 4,039 feet.
  • The state got its name from the Native American tribe known as Kansa, or Kaws, which means "people of the south wind."

  • While Colorado has The Garden of the Gods, a town in Kansas called Lucas is the home to the "Garden of Eden." This unusual attraction was created by a Civil War veteran named Samuel Perry Dinsmoor and features his family home, as well as tons of unique sculptures, conveying messages about Populist politics, modern civilization, and the Bible.
  • White Castle, the country's first fast food chain, opened its doors in Wichita, Kansas, in 1921.
  • Pizza Hut also originated in Kansas. Two brothers borrowed $600 from their mom and opened the first Pizza Hut in Wichita in 1958.
  • Another invention that took place in Kansas is the ICEE. It was invented by a man named Omar Knedlik in the 1958s, who was the owner of a Dairy Queen franchise. After placing sodas in the freezer led to a refreshingly popular result, he decided to create a machine that would create and dispense slushy drinks.
  • The "Big Well" in Greensburg is a notable point of interest in Kansas. This well is known for being the world's largest hand-dug well. It was excavated in 1887 and reaches a depth of 109 feet with a diameter of 32 feet.
  • The World's Largest Ball of Twine is located in Cawker City, Kansas. This quirky attraction weighs over 20,000 pounds and has a circumference of over 40 feet. You can even arrange to add twine to the ball, as it's constantly growing.

  • Kansas is also home to the largest electric shovel still in existence, Big Brutus.
  • Stull Cemetery in Stull, Kansas, is said to be haunted. Legend has it that it's one of The Seven Gateways to Hell. It was actually visited by Ariana Grande, who noted having a pretty spooky experience.
  • The Geographic Center of the Lower "48" States is located about 2 miles from Lebanon, Kansas. There, you will find a small chapel and a historical marker.
  • Dodge City, Kansas, was once known as being the wickedest town in the Old West. In fact, the phrase "Get the hell out of Dodge" originated from Western films, referencing the rough and dangerous reputation of this town.